Receiving spiritual gifts 

Most of the things in the kingdom are there for the taking.

If you believe, you will receive.

Let's look at a scripture that is glorious.

Revelation 10:8-11 KJV 

8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 

9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 

10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 

11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

An angel appeared with a book, and a voice from heaven commanded John to go meet this angel and TAKE the book.

He disobeyed.

He went there and requested that he be given the book.

The angel said "TAKE IT"

"No, you were not told to come and ask. You were told to come and take..."

"You were not told to hope that it will come upon you. You were not told to beg until you overcome God's unwillingness"

"Take it!"

The kingdom allows violence, and the violent men take it by force.

I guarantee you, your next level of operations in the Spirit can be sitting next to you in a person, pressing phone.

Will you sit and watch him get up and walk away like that?

When John took the book and ate, the voice told him "you shall prophesy again..."

A dimension of his prophetic assignment was locked up in that book which was in the hand of the angel...and yet that angel didn't act like he was given something for John until John made a move.

Sometimes we excuse ourselves from our own Sunday service just to grab an understanding from a custodian who has entered the city, even if he set his foot in a church I hope never to be a part of...not because we don't value our services or because we like pursuing men of God...but because we know where we are headed and what it will require to get is there.

We know that God has given us the gift of men who encapsulate dimensions he's making available to the body...and if you ignore them, you ignore that dimension.

And even if they don't lay hands on me, I can lay hands on them. Even if they release what they carry on others, I can trap it by reason of faith.

Because it may not be dropped on my doorstep, I have to TAKE IT!

2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able [proficient] ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Since proficiency varies with increased maturity, you will have ministers ministering in various manners, some of which are not palatable.

Interestingly, temperament, mood, hunger etc, can affect the method or style of ministry.

Some people are comfortable having hands laid of them, but they get angry when a man of God stretches his hands over a group of people to release the same power.

"What is he feeling like? That he can now command the Holy Ghost?"

They want him to personally lay hands on over a hundred people...and collapse in the process, just because in their minds they don't see God being more efficient than the ministry style they prefer.

And thus, they close their hearts to the ministry of the man of God...and ultimately fail to receive from the grace at work in his life.

How many have locked their hearts to a minister just because she is not dressed to their taste?

I desired an understanding of healing and I had to learn from Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (sorry I don't like naming names but this is important) because he has that reality... though I was not comfortable with the manner of dressing I saw in his church then.

But the day someone I love will need healing, nobody will care if anyone's dressed anyhow...it's either I have that revelation at work, or I don't.

Most times, because we don't value a heavenly dimension, we make excuses not to receive from people who carry and can minister from such.

"He's too small"

"He's too young. What does he know?"

"He got born again just 3 years ago"

"We don't know him. How do we know he is not from all these new generation churches?" 

Hmm, stay there!

"He laughs too much while preaching!"

"He only quotes from Bible once!"

Excuses will never end!

Reasons to remain where you are and never make progress!

What's the instruction again?

"Go and take the little book which is open in the hands of the angel"

"But he's not talking to me"

Go and take!

"He has one leg in the world and one leg in the church"

Go and take!

"He shouts too much!"

Go and take!!

"He even swears!"

Brother, go and take!!

Even if he's preaching a mere Salvation message and you're born again for donkey years... receive more understanding on how to better preach same gospel.

As long as God brought them to you, there's something for you upon his life!

Ephesians 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Every joint has a supply!

Understand this and you'd be enriched.

As Pentecostal as I seem to be, I have listened to messages of Reverends and Reverend Fathers and have been enriched thereby.

Not because the whole message is particularly for me, which can be the case...but even if it's for someone else...I have learnt to TAKE that which my soul longs for by the Holy Ghost!

People of Nazareth could not receive of Jesus because he was someone they know.

That's why people tend to prefer guest speakers because there is no honour again for brethren they are familiar with.

If you doubt me look at the honorarium and you'd see that the local preacher gets nothing simply because "he is one of us"

Not because ministry is about money...but because we don't value our own.

And that's why when he teaches a topic, we find it easy to say "He's not even sure sef...what does he know?"

"Is he trying to sound like Apostle Arome? Which one is that one?"

Our hearts get locked and we fail to drink from a supply that God installed near you for proximity and ease of access.

Meanwhile such persons are honoured and received elsewhere.

That's why they do miracles outside that they won't do among us... because of the "familiar prophet" (or "prophet in his hometown") syndrome.

Hey...what is the instruction again?

"Go and take the little book that is open in the hands of the angel"

Thank you Lord Jesus!

And John went...and made a request.

But despite being wrong and not obeying exactly what he was told, because he was willing to receive...

The angel told him "Take it!"

How do you take...?

Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

Believe you receive them!

Believe...not because it's evident yet.

Believe that you receive.

The Word said "By whose stripe you were healed"

Believe! Take a hold of it with all your faith!

All your faith! Believe like you've never believed before! Grab it in your spirit!

It's called "katalambano." Do you understand?

You'd rather die than let go of this thing!

It's a taking, an obtaining, a laying hold!

When a word is coming your way, before you see the reality thereof, lay hold of it with all your faith!


Or maybe hands are laid on you. Rather than wait to see if anything will happen, why not lay hold of that grace and make something to happen?


Not later, not next week...but right now as it comes!

God, this is hot!

Thank you Lord Jesus.

Now someone may be asking a question...

What about those who got something today and later it seems they lost it?

Some of us have fallen severally under heavy prophetic or healing Anointing, and yet in a week's time it seems as if nothing happened.

It's like we took the book from the Angel's hands and it fell off later...into the sea.

I want to show you something in the Spirit.

Watch this!

John took that book and ate.

He didn't just read it. He ate it!

His hands could not hold the book the way he wants it. His bowels could do better.

How do we eat of any reality the father unveils to us?

Joshua 1:8 KJV 

This book of the law (ah, another book!) shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

To meditate (Hagah in Hebrew) means to ponder repeatedly, to muse, to mutter, to imagine, to shout!

Even if it seems the Word is describing something different from your reality, don't stop.

The word says you have victory over sin and yet you're falling in and out of sin... You see that Word?

Take it!

Then eat it.

Keep meditating. Keep saying it. Keep thinking it. Keep imagining yourself becoming what it talks about. Shout it if you can! Let your bones hear it.

Some people will see miracles done and just celebrate with testimonies. Others will see it and won't sleep that night because they desire to do the same things. They keep pondering and muttering to themselves and meditating on that reality.

"Father, you said your son's and daughters shall prophesy. I'm the firstborn of my father to whom that word came. The prophetic is strong upon me. In the name of Jesus!"

"I see, by the Holy Ghost! My lips are anointed. I utter the voice of God. I hear clearly in the Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus!"

That's where success lies.

That's what makes the difference!

And soon, they will begin to walk in that reality... because AS AN MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE!

A translation says "that you may be able to do according to all that's written therein"

The ability to do is locked up in meditation.

I know you fell under the power.

I know that Rhema hit you hard.

But can you spend an extra time digesting this experience?

That prophet told you of his experience in the Lord, and you desire same...but have you meditated on that experience being possible in your life too?

You have taken, but why not go ahead and eat?

Glory to God!

You desire an increase in spiritual sight.

You desire an enlargement on your business.

You desire to fly in all aspects of life, right?

This is not a time to try.


Whether you find that reality you desire in the Bible, or in a story or in the life of a brother...why sit there and die when you can TAKE IT?

And when you do, you know what to do next.

That book is not closed in the hands of the angel.

It's open. And its contents available to whomever is ready and willing to take it and eat!

What you longed for in the Lord has been freely given to you by God...just for the taking.

That power of God is already all over and within you!

That reality is available.

Are you ready?

Can you get a hold of it right now?


Glory to God.

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